#---- Begin license file ... Cut Here --------------- # # KEIO UNIVERSITY,MR.HIDAKA # US-FND-EXP-PC-J,FEXJ01262 # #---------------------------------------------------- # # Please examine this license file and verify that all information is # correct before trying to install it. If you find a discrepancy, # please contact Xilinx Customer Service at (800) 624-4782. # # Please note that license files which use a "C" drive serial number have # a preceding "C" added, and remove the dash from the middle of your # c-drive volume s/n. This is normal and is necessary for the license to # work properly. # For example 1234-ABCD would be used as "DISK_SERIAL_NUM=C1234ABCD" # # # This license is nodelocked and uncounted. # It does NOT require or SUPPORT running lmgrd. # # Set the LM_LICENSE_FILE variable to point to this # license file; like: # # setenv LM_LICENSE_FILE /usr/xilinx/data/license.dat # or # set LM_LICENSE_FILE=C:\xilinx\data\license.dat # #---------------------------------------------------- # # License Generated Mon Jun 21 16:53:14 JST 1999 # # This license is nodelocked to ., HOSTID=DISK_SERIAL_NUM=C2CD6CB44 # INCREMENT FND-EXP-PC xilinxd 1.000 1-jan-0 0 EC16FBE533AD2B5038F8 \ "XSJ_yuko" DISK_SERIAL_NUM=C2CD6CB44 # #---------------------------------------------------- # PACKAGE FND-EXP-PC xilinxd 1.000 E0808061931BA001FC49 \ COMPONENTS="system-PC bit-PC \ xc3000D-PC xc4000X-PC xc5200X-PC \ ngd2vhdl-PC verilog-PC \ Foundation-PC X-VHDL-PC \ FPGA-Express:1998.08 \ FPGA-Express-VHDL-Base:1998.08 \ FPGA-Express-VLOG-Base:1998.08 \ FPGA-Express-XC3k-Optimizer:1998.08 \ FPGA-Express-XC4k-Optimizer:1998.08 \ FPGA-Express-XC5k-Optimizer:1998.08 \ FPGA-Express-VIRTEX-Optimizer:1998.08 \ FPGA-Express-XC9k-Optimizer:1998.08 \ FPGA-Express-Constraint-Mgr:1998.08 \ FPGA-Express-GAT:1998.08 " # #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # License checksum: # # 68: INCREMENT FND-EXP-PC xilinxd 1.000 1-jan-0 0 EC16FBE533AD2B5038F8 "XSJ_yuko" DISK_SERIAL_NUM=C2CD6CB44 # 189: PACKAGE FND-EXP-PC xilinxd 1.000 E0808061931BA001FC49 COMPONENTS="system-PC bit-PC xc3000D-PC xc4000X-PC xc5200X-PC ngd2vhdl-PC verilog-PC Foundation-PC X-VHDL-PC FPGA-Express:1998.08 FPGA-Express-VHDL-Base:1998.08 FPGA-Express-VLOG-Base:1998.08 FPGA-Express-XC3k-Optimizer:1998.08 FPGA-Express-XC4k-Optimizer:1998.08 FPGA-Express-XC5k-Optimizer:1998.08 FPGA-Express-VIRTEX-Optimizer:1998.08 FPGA-Express-XC9k-Optimizer:1998.08 FPGA-Express-Constraint-Mgr:1998.08 FPGA-Express-GAT:1998.08 " # # (From lmutil lmcksum -c ) # # Prepared Mon Jun 21 16:53:18 JST 1999 #---------------------------------------------------- # If you have questions about this license, please # contact Xilinx customer support at 1-800-624-4782 # or by FAX at 408-559-0115 #---------------------------------------------------- # #---- End license file ... Cut Here --------------- # --_----------=_92995172786130 Content-Disposition: inline; filename="license.dat.1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Type: text/plain; name="license.dat.1" #---- Begin license file ... Cut Here --------------- # # KEIO UNIVERSITY,MR.HIDAKA # US-FND-EXP-PC-J,FEXJ01262 # #---------------------------------------------------- # # Please examine this license file and verify that all information is # correct before trying to install it. If you find a discrepancy, # please contact Xilinx Customer Service at (800) 624-4782. # # Please note that license files which use a "C" drive serial number have # a preceding "C" added, and remove the dash from the middle of your # c-drive volume s/n. This is normal and is necessary for the license to # work properly. # For example 1234-ABCD would be used as "DISK_SERIAL_NUM=C1234ABCD" # # # This license is nodelocked and uncounted. # It does NOT require or SUPPORT running lmgrd. # # Set the LM_LICENSE_FILE variable to point to this # license file; like: # # setenv LM_LICENSE_FILE /usr/xilinx/data/license.dat # or # set LM_LICENSE_FILE=C:\xilinx\data\license.dat # #---------------------------------------------------- # # License Generated Mon Jun 21 16:53:14 JST 1999 # # This license is nodelocked to ., HOSTID=DISK_SERIAL_NUM=C2CD6CB44 # INCREMENT FND-EXP-PC xilinxd 1.000 1-jan-0 0 EC16FBE533AD2B5038F8 \ "XSJ_yuko" DISK_SERIAL_NUM=C2CD6CB44 # #---------------------------------------------------- # PACKAGE FND-EXP-PC xilinxd 1.000 E0808061931BA001FC49 \ COMPONENTS="system-PC bit-PC \ xc3000D-PC xc4000X-PC xc5200X-PC \ ngd2vhdl-PC verilog-PC \ Foundation-PC X-VHDL-PC \ FPGA-Express:1998.08 \ FPGA-Express-VHDL-Base:1998.08 \ FPGA-Express-VLOG-Base:1998.08 \ FPGA-Express-XC3k-Optimizer:1998.08 \ FPGA-Express-XC4k-Optimizer:1998.08 \ FPGA-Express-XC5k-Optimizer:1998.08 \ FPGA-Express-VIRTEX-Optimizer:1998.08 \ FPGA-Express-XC9k-Optimizer:1998.08 \ FPGA-Express-Constraint-Mgr:1998.08 \ FPGA-Express-GAT:1998.08 " # #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # License checksum: # # 68: INCREMENT FND-EXP-PC xilinxd 1.000 1-jan-0 0 EC16FBE533AD2B5038F8 "XSJ_yuko" DISK_SERIAL_NUM=C2CD6CB44 # 189: PACKAGE FND-EXP-PC xilinxd 1.000 E0808061931BA001FC49 COMPONENTS="system-PC bit-PC xc3000D-PC xc4000X-PC xc5200X-PC ngd2vhdl-PC verilog-PC Foundation-PC X-VHDL-PC FPGA-Express:1998.08 FPGA-Express-VHDL-Base:1998.08 FPGA-Express-VLOG-Base:1998.08 FPGA-Express-XC3k-Optimizer:1998.08 FPGA-Express-XC4k-Optimizer:1998.08 FPGA-Express-XC5k-Optimizer:1998.08 FPGA-Express-VIRTEX-Optimizer:1998.08 FPGA-Express-XC9k-Optimizer:1998.08 FPGA-Express-Constraint-Mgr:1998.08 FPGA-Express-GAT:1998.08 " # # (From lmutil lmcksum -c ) # # Prepared Mon Jun 21 16:53:18 JST 1999 #---------------------------------------------------- # If you have questions about this license, please # contact Xilinx customer support at 1-800-624-4782 # or by FAX at 408-559-0115 #---------------------------------------------------- # #---- End license file ... Cut Here --------------- # --_----------=_92995172786130--