Super IO CHIP's Serial High Speed mode Support for Windows 2000 / XP V2.9x

Copyright(c) 2001-2003, O.Imaizumi and Device Drivers Limited


We developed the tool to support VIA, SMC, Winbond, NS, and ALi chipsets with Serial High Speed mode for Windows 2000.
It has been inspected on our environment, but we don't guarantee this package you wish to download will work with your environment. Please use this at your own risk. This tool will rewrite system files, so you should have a special notice for installation. Good luck!

This is a second version for Windows 2000 which has a NT4.0 version based function. The utility "SHSMode.exe" is a new version since this release. As the knowledge of this tool history, we packed NT4.0 document inside. We strongly recommend to read this document before installation.

** IMPORTANT NOTICE: For Winbond and NS users only (A serial mouse does't work!) **

Since you install this driver, the system should support only high speed mode. In the system inside, serial ports always work 8 times speed than before. So the serial mouse and low speed serial device should not work on this environment. Before installation, please inspect not to use these serial mouse and low speed devices.


This package will make replace Windows 2000/XP system file "SERIAL.SYS" at "\winnt\system32\drivers" directory. Windows 2000/XP has a feature as "Windows File Protection" which prohibits modification of its System File. It is needed for installation to execute a copy command on special environment as below. It should make replace a system file against OS vender policy. Please give up to install if you don't have enough skill about this explanation. If you attempt any file action for "SERIAL.SYS" on Windows 2000 normal mode, Windows 2000 original "SERIAL.SYS" should be rewritten back again soon.

  1. Store a downloaded file and unzip into temporally directory.
  2. Input the command "SFC /CANCEL" on Windows 2000/XP command prompt to stop System File Checker at boot time.
  3. Reboot the system with "Safe Mode". If you don't know about "Safe Mode", please give up.
  4. Double click instshs.bat at unzipped directory. Executing this batch will update the Windows 2000 serial port driver serial.sys. The original version will be saved with the filename $erial.sys in case you want to restore it.
    If it says something like:
    Error - Check security. etc.

    Then, most likely, Something funny, or you are not running the illegal version of Windows.
    If so, try again after reinstalling the correct version of serial.sys.

    If it says something like:
    1 file(s) copied.
    1 file(s) copied.

    It means the serial driver has been successfully updated.
  5. Reboot the system with Normal Mode.


Please refer to below site information for "System File Protection".

Windows XP and Global Language Support

The difference is the place of Windows System directory name. It works correctly on Windows XP.
You can modify installation sequence and directory for your environment.

How To Use



This package is "ReportWare".
Please let me know how it worked for you at below bbs.

Original download site is below.

This site is link free, and no contact needed for link.
Copyright belongs with Osamu Imaizumi and Device Drivers Limited.
We admit to distribute this package as FreeWare under below conditions:
- No change is permitted for this package contents.
- Commercial Media and Service have to take our acknowledgement for distribution.
(For publisher and commercial sites, please mail us.)


Special thanks for Osamu Imaizumi.


As this software package is like a freeware, there is no warranty and no support.
I f you have some bug report, ideas, or questions, use the BBS. It doesn't accept email support.


readme-u29.htm - This file
readme-jp - Manual in Japanese
instshs.bat - Batch file for install
uinstshs.bat - Batch file for uninstall
shsw2ku2-serial.sys - Replacement serial driver
SHSMode.exe - Configuration utility (Win32 console executable)
dvpatch.htm - Support Chip Information (From homepage)


The purpose of manual installation is to replace original SERIAL.SYS with SHSW2KU2-SERIAL.SYS, which support High Speed mode.
1. Execute SFC/CANCEL and reboot with SAFE MODE.
2. Go to system driver directory include original SERIAL.SYS. (For Example: cd \winnt\system32\drivers
3. Replace original SERIAL.SYS with SHSW2KU2-SERIAL.SYS. (For Example:
copy SHSW2KU2-SERIAL.SYS SERIAL.SYS) You can use Explore or GUI tools.
4. Reboot your system.

Device Drivers Limited [email protected]
(c) 1996-2003 O.Imaizumi, Device Drivers Limited. All rights reserved